Library English

by 丸善雄松堂株式会社


1.99 usd

*The content of this app is based on an English conversation guide published by Nagoya University Library.1. Access a wide range of useful vocabulary and expressions for librarians working at the counter!• Look up phrases and expressions commonly found in the day-to-day operation of an academic library.• Materials are organized according to situations familiar to librarians.• Use Search to find the phrases you are looking for instantly.2. Learn practical phrases effectively with a user-friendly interface!• All situations are presented in conversation format.• Tap and compare JPN/ENG texts side by side.• Switch between JPN and ENG with ease.3. Improve your speaking and listening skills with audio recordings of native English speakers!• All English conversations are enhanced by audio recordings. (Some parts of the material, including commentary and indexes, are not audio-supported.)• Learn not just by reading, but by listening to how native English speakers pronounce library phrases and expressions.*Note:the content of this app was originally created with the intent of improving the quality of customer services at the Nagoya University Library; thereby regulations, facilities, and other names expressed therein reflect the unique circumstances of the aforementioned institution (as of December, 2013).